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The Swiss confederation didn't issue COVID certificate anymore since the 1rst of September

Bern, 9.1.2023. The using of the system that had issued and controled the COVID certificates, was stopped on the 1rst of September. The applications "COVID Certificate" and "COVID Certificate Check" have been desactivated as well.

The COVID-19 ruling expired on the 31rst of August 2023. Therefore, the system implemented by the Confederation has been definitively desactivated and its technical infrastructure was shut down on the 1rst of September. No COVID certificate can be issued now.

The applications "COVID Certificate" and "COVID Certificate Check" won't be updated and aren't available on the webstores anymore. The certificates that you have already registered in the application, have been locally hosted. As a consequence, you can always display your certificates on a limited form. All the other functions aren't available anymore.

These certificates were readable and usable only in the E.U. and in Switzerland. Two kinds of certificate were issued by the Swiss system:

- The "negative" certificate if your SARS-CoV-2 test was negative. The validity depended of the internal rules of every country.

- The "positive" certificate if your SARS-CoV-2 test was positive, because it gave you a natural immunization. The validity was determined by the Swiss authorities.

From the 1rst of September 2023, our laboratory "Espace Lab" has offered the following opportunity:

- "Negative" certificate:

Espace Lab issues its own certificate, secured by a QR-Code that send you a unique code when your certificate have been scanned by a third party.

This certificate is issued with PCR test and with antigenic test. It is also available in French and in English.

- "Positive" certificate:

The Swiss laboratories aren't allowed to issue this kind of certificate.

Please feel free to get in touch with us if you face any problem regarding these certificates or if you have any special need.


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Laboratoire Espace Lab SA
36 rue de Lausanne, 1201 Genève

Patient :     
  +41 (0)22 901 01 50

Médecin :      +41 (0)22 901 01 51


Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Holidays and exceptional closures Click here

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