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  • How do I make an appointment for my analyses?
    You have the option of coming with or without an appointment to the laboratory with your analysis prescription (prescription). Nevertheless we strongly recommend that you make an appointment directly on our website. Links: COVID-19 screenings: Click here Blood test: Click here PIMS assessments: Click here Upon your arrival, our secretariat will take care of collecting a certain amount of administrative, personal and medical information in complete confidentiality. Some special tests sometimes require waiting times with one or more successive samples to be taken. In such a situation, our secretariat will notify you directly. To make an appointment at home, you can go to the "appointment" tab on the site and choose the "home sample" option. You must then provide your telephone number so that the home nurse can call you back to schedule your appointment. But it is also possible to call the laboratory on 022 901 01 50, send a whatsapp message to 079 793 50 45 or send an email to to schedule an appointment at residence.
  • Fasting, why and how?
    During the 24 Hours before collection: ■ Avoid intense physical activity. The evening before from 8 p.m.: ■Don't eat anymore. ■Do not drink alcoholic beverages, sodas, fruit juices etc. ■You can drink water. The morning of the sample: ■Don't eat. ■ You can drink water ■ Do not drink coffee or other beverages. ■No Smoking 10 to 15 minutes before sampling: Stay seated. Relax yourself. Time of collection: On an empty stomach, it is recommended to take the sample between 7:00 a.m. and maximum 10:00 a.m. You can make an appointment at the laboratory for a blood test at this page.
  • Analyzes that require special sampling conditions
    · Fasting analyses: (see dedicated section) Prolactin: Sample in the morning after 20 minutes of rest in the waiting room. Cortisol : Collect between 7:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Crosslaps: Collect before 9am · 13C-labeled urea breath test or Helikit (Helicobacter pylori):prohibition of drinking, eating, smoking and brush your teeth; discontinuation of all antibiotic treatment for at least 4 weeks, discontinuation of antisecretory drugs for 2 weeks (PPI, anti-H2), discontinuation of gastrointestinal dressings for 24 hours
  • Can I carry out analyzes without a medical prescription?
    Yes, you can carry out most tests without a prescription (pregnancy test, STI tests, urine and stool tests, etc.). For more information on these analyzes without prescription as well as their prices, please contact the laboratory .
  • Can we do analyzes anonymously?
    Yes, you can analyze anonymously. for more information please contact us
  • What if I want to know the price of my analyzes before having my blood sample taken?
    When you arrive at the laboratory reception, you can ask the question directly to our secretariat. Like all Swiss medical laboratories, we are subject to the same pricing system (Federal List of OFSP analyses)
  • What should I bring on the day I go to the laboratory?
    When you arrive, our secretariat will collect a certain amount of administrative, personal and medical information in complete confidentiality. Therefore, please bring: - Your medical prescription (Swiss or foreign) if you have one. You also have the option of sending us your prescription in advance via our email address: - Your insurance card : depending on your situation, our secretaries will inform you whether or not your analyzes are covered by insurance.
  • J'ai une prescription pour un test respiratoire Helicobacter pylori (Helikit) : que dois-je faire?
    Un test Helicobacter pylori (ou Helikit, ou Test respiratoire à l'urée marquée au 13C) est un test respiratoire à l'urée permettant de dépister la présence dans l'estomac de la bactérie Helicobacter pylori, responsable de gastrite. Avant de prendre RDV, veuillez vérifier que vous respectez les conditions suivantes : ➡️ Arrêt de tout traitement antibiotique depuis au moins 4 semaines ➡️ Arrêt des traitements antisécrétoires gastriques depuis 2 semaines (IPP, anti-H2) ➡️ Arrêt des pansements gastro-intestinaux depuis 24h ➡️ À jeun strict 8H avant le prélèvement : ne pas manger, ni boire, ni fumer, ni se brosser les dents le jour du prélèvement ➡️ Prévoir un temps d'attente de 20 minutes au laboratoire
  • I have a prescription for an Oral Induced Hyperglycemia test (or OGTT) to be done during my pregnancy
    The OGTT is a screening test for gestational diabetes. It consists of the absorption of a standard quantity of glucose orally, then a blood sugar measurement 1 hour, then 2 hours after ingestion. This examination is carried out by appointment ( click here ) with compliance with the following conditions: ➡️ Fast for 8 hours before sampling ➡️ Allow a presence time of 2 hours (or 3 hours depending on the prescription) in the laboratory
  • I have a prescription for a PIMS assessment by   PCR (Lyme borreliosis)
    Patient with Swiss health insurance We provide kits for patients with a prescription from a Swiss doctor for a PIMS PCR (Lyme Borreliosis) assessment. We have dedicated a page to best guide you in your approach. Click here Patient without Swiss health insurance Patients without Swiss health insurance can order and pay for a PIMS kit on our site without a medical prescription. link PIMS report at the laboratory in Geneva We take samples for PIMS assessments from Monday to Thursday noon.
  • I can't go to the laboratory. Can I carry out my analyzes at home?
    Yes, our Espace Lab nurses are available 7 days a week (subject to availability) to come and take samples at your home (COVID, blood, bacteriological samples, respiratory tests). ​ To make an appointment at home, simply go to our website , “Analyzes and Appointments” tab, then “ Home sampling ”. Once on the page, you have two options : - Indicate your telephone number so that one of our home nurses will contact you to set up an appointment - Click directly on the “ Request a home online ” tab. You can then choose the time slot that suits you, and your request will be processed by our nurses who will contact you as soon as possible. ➡️ If it is impossible for you to make an appointment on our site, you can contact our laboratory: - By telephone at 022.901.01.50 - By WhatsApp message to 079.793.50.45 (note, this number only responds to messages) - By email to
  • How is a blood sample taken?
    On your arrival, the sampler checks your identity to avoid any risk of error. He will also ask you a few questions in order to gather clinical and therapeutic information that may be essential to the interpretation of your results. The blood test is a relatively simple, quick and painless act and is carried out by competent personnel. You can ask the sampler all your questions about this
  • Combien de temps vais-je rester au laboratoire ?
    Le temps passé au laboratoire dépend des analyses à effectuer mais aussi de la planification ou non de votre RDV. Certains tests spéciaux (prolactine, tests respiratoires, HGPO...) nécessitent un temps d'attente particulier avec un ou plusieurs prélèvements successifs à faire. Dans une telle situation, notre secrétariat vous le signalera à votre arrivée.
  • What should I do if I am prone to discomfort or phobic blood tests?
    It is important to inform the sampler if you are in this case. Our samplers are specially trained to respond to these situations with professionalism. You can come to the laboratory with an audio headset and your phone in order to spend a moment in complete serenity.
  • My child must have a blood test, do you take any special precautions?
    For children, a local anesthetic patch may be prescribed by the doctor. This patch makes it possible to avoid any painful sensation as much as possible. We can also intervene with two caregivers for your child in order to distract him as much as possible so that he has a positive and less stressful time.
  • Urine sample
  • What are the measures to follow to take my stool sample?
    If possible, avoid taking antibiotics or local intestinal treatment at least 2 days before taking your sample Do not take the sample following an X-ray examination using opaque products (administered by mouth or enema) In the 3 days preceding, avoid foods that leave a lot of residue (dried vegetables, cabbage, cooked salads, sorrel, strawberries, figs, pears, etc.) Collect the stools as soon as they pass, using the sterile pot provided by the laboratory In children: scrape as much faeces as possible from the diaper with the spatula provided by the laboratory and put it in a sterile pot For a parasitological stool examination, you may be asked to take 3 samples on 3 different days spaced 3-4 days apart. For this type of sample, you will need to bring the samples to the laboratory as you go. The sterile pot must be sent to the laboratory as soon as possible (within 2 hours maximum and within 3 hours for stool parasitology prescriptions). It is advisable to keep stools cool
  • What are the measures to follow for taking smear samples?
    Nasopharyngeal swabs: It is important to report to the sampler if you have a narrowing of the nasal cavity or other anomalies in order to perform treatment in good conditions. We can perform a saliva PCR if necessary. Skin and mucous membranes, scalp, nails, wounds, ears: Avoid putting on any type of cream (even moisturizer) at least two days before the sample is taken. Vaginal, urethral, Vaginal self-sampling (performed by the patient for certain indications). Do not practice sexual intercourse at least 24 hours before the sample is taken Taking certain medications (antibiotics, antifungals) can interfere with the performance of these analyses. In general, avoid starting these treatments before sampling. The sampling area should not be cleaned within hours.
  • What should I do if I cannot come to the laboratory to drop off my analyses?
    It is quite possible to call the laboratory so that a courier/nurse can pick up your analysis at home. Contacter le laboratoire
  • Am I at risk of having a bruise after the blood test (hematoma)?
    After the blood test, a hematoma may appear. To avoid the formation, it is important to maintain a compression time on the sampling area for a few minutes with the cotton. If despite these recommendations, a hematoma should appear, it remains benign and will resolve naturally in a few days. There is no need to worry.
  • Can the laboratory send the invoice directly to the insurance?
    Yes, most often, the laboratory sends your invoice directly to your insurance. If you wish to receive the invoice at your home address, please contact the laboratory.
  • What are the means of paying for my analyses.
    There are different possibilities: You can receive an invoice from the doctors' fund, and pay your invoice using a payment slip. You can ask to receive your invoice by email (without the insurance statement) and pay by credit card or Paypal. Click here to make the request< /p> You can pay your invoice at the laboratory in cash (Swiss Francs or Euros) or pay by credit card (The Postfinance card is not accepted). French patients can pay by check.
  • How to pay with Paypal without creating a Paypal account
    Paypal is the organization that takes care of the secure transaction, you are not required to have a Paypal account Help Click on the Paypal logo to make the payment, then select "Pay without opening an account After entering your credit card information and delivery address, confirm that you do not wish to open a Paypal account. Info: Opening a Paypal account is free, discover the advantages of Paypal at this page. Confirm the payment by clicking on "Pay
  • I made a purchase on the internet, I can't find my invoice"
    Immediately after your purchase on the internet, you will receive a confirmation in your mailbox. (thank you for your purchase) In this email, there is a link called "view invoice By clicking on the link, your invoice opens in the browser. You can save the PDF or print the invoice. We advise you to check your "junk mail" folder in your mailbox.
  • I have a billing problem: how can I contact your billing department?
    If you have any questions or problems related to the invoicing of your analyses, please send us your requests or questions directly by email to the following address , taking care to attach a copy of your invoice to your email. We will process your request as quickly as possible. You can also contact us by telephone at 022.901.01.50 .
  • What is a coronavirus?
    Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can be pathogenic in humans and animals. It is known that, in humans, several coronaviruses can cause respiratory infections whose manifestations range from the common cold to more serious diseases such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The latest coronavirus that has been discovered is responsible for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
  • What is COVID-19?
    COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and this disease were unknown before the outbreak in Wuhan (China) in December 2019.
  • What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
    The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue and a dry cough. Some patients experience pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and appear gradually. Some people, although infected, have no symptoms and feel fine. Older people and those with other health conditions (high blood pressure, heart problems, or diabetes) are more likely to have severe symptoms. Anyone who has a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell should see a doctor.
  • How does COVID-19 spread?
    COVID-19 is transmitted by people who carry the virus. The disease can be transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets expelled from the nose or mouth when a person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can end up on objects or surfaces around the person in question. You can then contract COVID-19 if you touch these objects or surfaces and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. It is also possible to contract COVID-19 by inhaling droplets from a sick person who has just coughed or sneezed. This is why it is important to keep more than one meter from a sick person. WHO is reviewing ongoing research on how COVID-19 spreads and will continue to share updated results.
  • How can I protect myself and prevent the disease from spreading?
    Keep up to date with the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and from national and local public health authorities. Cases of COVID-19 have occurred in many countries and several countries have been affected by outbreaks. In China and some other countries, authorities have managed to slow or halt the progression of the outbreak. However, the evolution of the situation is unpredictable and you must therefore keep yourself regularly informed. You can reduce your risk of becoming infected with or spreading COVID-19 by taking a few simple precautions: Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with a hydroalcoholic solution or with soap and water. Maintain a distance of at least one meter from other people who are coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Make sure you respect the rules of respiratory hygiene and that the people around you do the same. In case of coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with the bend of your elbow, or with a tissue and throw away the tissue immediately afterwards. If you're not feeling well, stay home. In case of fever, cough and dyspnea, consult a doctor after calling him. Follow the instructions of the local health authorities. Stay informed to find out which cities or areas are spreading COVID-19 on a large scale. If possible, avoid travel, especially if you are elderly or diabetic or have heart or lung disease.
  • Who is at risk of suffering from a serious form of the disease?
    While we still need to learn more about how COVID-19 affects individuals, so far, the elderly and people who already have other illnesses (such as high blood pressure, lung disease , cancer, diabetes, or heart disease) appear to be severely affected more often than others.
  • Is COVID-19 the same disease as SARS?
    No, the virus responsible for COVID-19 and the one causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are genetically linked but they are different. SARS is deadlier but much less infectious than COVID-19. There has been no SARS outbreak in the world since 2003.
  • Where do the COVID-19 F.A.Q answers come from?
    Source: WHO 18.03.2020
  • Various Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions
    Frequently asked questions from the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)
  • How will I obtain my test results?
    Once your results have been biologically validated, they will be accessible and viewable via our patient results server (secure platform). In certain cases and upon simple request from you, our laboratory can send you your results directly by email or by post. You can also pick them up on site at the laboratory. Important : - We do not provide results over the phone - The results of certain specific analyzes are sent exclusively to the prescribing doctor - If there is a problem with your COVID-19 results , you can use our dedicated platform available on this page .
  • Comment accéder à mes résultats sans créer de compte (avec code d’authentification)
    La disponibilité de vos résultats génère automatiquement l’envoi d’un SMS et d’un email sur vos coordonnées de contact (veillez donc à transmettre un numéro et une adresse email corrects lors de votre passage). Pour accéder à vos résultats : - Cliquez sur le lien reçu par SMS et/ou email : vous serez alors redirigés sur notre serveur de résultats sécurisé - Saisissez votre date de naissance (votre numéro de dossier sera déjà prérempli) - Cliquez sur « Connexion » - Entrez votre code d’authentification reçu instantanément par SMS/Email - Vous pouvez désormais consulter vos résultats et les télécharger si vous le souhaitez (format PDF) Si vous avez perdu votre SMS ou email envoyé lors de la disponibilité de vos résultats, vous pouvez nous contacter par téléphone ou email, et nous vous renverrons votre lien de connexion par email.
  • Créer un compte personnel : pourquoi et comment ?
    Créer un compte personnel vous permet d’accéder librement et à tout moment à l’historique complet de vos analyses effectuées au sein de notre laboratoire. Pour créer un compte, vous devez dans un premier temps accéder à la page de vos résultats en suivant les étapes détaillées dans la rubrique « Accéder à mes résultats sans créer de compte (avec code d’authentification) ». Une fois connecté sur votre page de résultats : - Cliquez sur l’onglet « Créer mon compte » en haut de la page - Remplissez le formulaire qui s'affiche en choisissant un nom d’utilisateur et un mot de passe - Validez vos informations - Votre compte est créé Lors d'une prochaine connexion, vous pourrez accéder facilement à votre compte à l’aide de votre login et mot de passe via notre site internet, onglet « Analyses et rendez-vous », puis « Serveur de résultats patients ». Pour un accès rapide, cliquez ici.
  • How soon will I receive my analysis results?
    Deadlines depend on the analyzes prescribed. You can receive your results the same day as your sample but some more specific analyzes may take longer. For more information on the time frame for an analysis, you can contact the laboratory .
  • I have questions about my results
    Generally speaking, it is wiser to contact the doctor who prescribed your tests directly (e.g. your attending physician). If necessary, if you would like an interpretation of your results with one of our biologists, you can make an appointment for an internet consultation by clicking on this page . You will then need to complete the form and select the request “Interpretation of my results (biologists)” .
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Laboratoire Espace Lab SA
36 rue de Lausanne, 1201 Genève

Patient :     
  +41 (0)22 901 01 50

Médecin :      +41 (0)22 901 01 51


Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Holidays and exceptional closures Click here

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